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Change your app permissions

Apps need access to your data to provide you with functionality and features. When an app asks for permission to access this data, you can allow or deny it. You can always change app permissions that you granted in app settings.

Settings and features vary by device and Android version. The steps might be different on your phone.

  1. Step 1 of 6

    From the bottom of your screen, swipe up.

  2. Step 2 of 6

    To change an app’s permissions, touch and hold the app.

  3. Step 3 of 6

    Tap App info .

  4. Step 4 of 6

    Tap Permissions.

    Tip: If the app doesn’t request to use any permissions, you can’t tap Permissions.

  5. Step 5 of 6

    From here you can see which permissions are allowed or denied for your app.

    To change a permission’s status, tap a permission.

    Tip: Some apps work best when certain permissions are turned on. If you turn them off, the app might not work quite right.

  6. Step 6 of 6

    Choose if you want the app to use the permission.

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