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Change your Gmail inbox layout

You can choose which emails you see first in the Gmail app by changing your inbox layout.

Settings and features vary by device and Android version. The steps might be different on your phone.

  1. Step 1 of 7

    To change your Gmail inbox layout, swipe up from the bottom of your screen.

  2. Step 2 of 7

    Open the Gmail app .

  3. Step 3 of 7

    In the top left, tap Menu .

  4. Step 4 of 7

    Scroll to the bottom and tap Settings.

  5. Step 5 of 7

    Select your Gmail account.

  6. Step 6 of 7

    Under "Inbox", tap Inbox type.

  7. Step 7 of 7

    Choose the layout for your inbox.

    You can learn more about these layouts in our lesson on layout options.

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