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Navigate offline with Google Maps

You can save a map to help you navigate when you’re not connected to the internet.

Settings and features vary by device and Android version. The steps might be different on your phone.

  1. Step 1 of 6

    While you’re online, search for a destination.

  2. Step 2 of 6

    Tap the name of the destination.

  3. Step 3 of 6

    Tap More .

  4. Step 4 of 6

    Tap Download offline map.

  5. Step 5 of 6

    Select the area for the map, then tap Download.

  6. Step 6 of 6

    Now if your internet connection is slow or absent, Google Maps will use your offline map to give you driving directions.

    Important: You can only get driving directions offline and you won't get traffic info, alternate routes, or lane guidance.

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