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Protect your Google Play purchases

You can help prevent accidental purchases in Google Play through your authentication settings.

Settings and features vary by device and Android version. The steps might be different on your phone.

  1. Step 1 of 4

    To see your authentication settings, in the Google Play Store app, tap Menu .

  2. Step 2 of 4

    Tap Settings.

  3. Step 3 of 4

    Tap Require authentication for purchases.

    Important: To change authentication settings, you need to enter your Google Account password.

  4. Step 4 of 4

    Choose a setting:

    • For all purchases through Google Play on this device: Authentication is required for every digital content purchase through Google Play, including within apps.
    • Every 30 minutes: Every time you authenticate for a purchase, you can continue to buy content through Google Play for the next 30 minutes on your device without authenticating again.
    • Never: Authentication is not required for any purchases on your device.

    Important: If you turn off authentication for purchases, it may result in unauthorized purchases. You assume responsibility for all charges including unintended or unauthorized purchases.

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