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Review your security notifications and activity

Learn how to review your security notifications and activity from the Security page of your Google Account.

Features are subject to availability. The steps may look different depending on your device.

  1. Step 1 of 6

    Google will let you know if there’s any suspicious or unusual activity associated with your account, so you can review it and verify it was you, or take immediate action to protect your account.

    Every time your account is accessed from a new device, you’ll get a notification with the time and place of the sign-in.

    In addition, Google will send you a notification every time there is a significant change made to your account settings. That way, you know that no one else can make changes to your account without you knowing about it.

    To review your notifications and account activity, sign in to your Google Account and tap Security at the top.

  2. Step 2 of 6

    Under “Recent security activity” you’ll find a short list of recent sign-ins and other sensitive account activity. You can tap them for more information.

    To see more of your activity, tap Review security activity.

  3. Step 3 of 6

    Here you will find security activity and alerts from the last 28 days. Tap an activity for more information.

    Tip: If there’s recent activity you don’t recognize, you can tap See unfamiliar activity? at the top to change your password.

  4. Step 4 of 6

    Review the details of this activity. Under “Do you recognize this activity?” you can tap:

    • Yes, it was me to verify.
    • No, secure account if the activity is suspicious.

    Learn more about securing a suspicious account.

  5. Step 5 of 6

    If you tap Yes, it was me, you’ll receive a confirmation. From here, you can tap Take Security Checkup or return to the “Recent security activity” screen.

  6. Step 6 of 6

    If you tap No, secure account, you’ll be prompted to change your password to protect the account. Tap Change password.

    You will be led through a review of recent activity from recently added or less trusted devices. You’ll be given indications as to why Google thinks the activity is suspicious based on the device it happened on.

    If there isn’t any suspicious activity in this review, you’ll be taken to your Security Checkup where you can further review activity and devices.

    Account hijacking is extremely rare. But, in case it does happen, you have the tools to take action.

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